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Do people still remember the Roblox old death sound?

2024 Oct 07, 18:02 (6:02PM)

I can just about remember all the controversy that appeared when Roblox has decided to change the "OOF", the iconic death sound of the platform. And initially there was outrage all over the place, so much that some people don't know why they are mad, they just are. To Roblox's credit, they were quite transparent about what happened to this specific issue.

The licensing issue arose when Tommy Tallarico (a video game composer) recognised it as his own creation, apparently from a game called Messiah. But a bombshell from hbomberguy reveals that Tommy Tallarico has a rich and extensive history of being a liar, and there's quite a chance that the OOF sound was made by someone else, maybe Joey Kuras.

Click image to visit video: "ROBLOX_OOF.mp3" by hbomberguy

Though it has been quite a while since we have heard of the old oof sound, I did a poll on my YouTube channel and out of the 55 who voted, 80% of you clearly still have nostalgic feelings for it, with 13% voting 'somewhat', 5% voting 'no', and 2% who are unfamiliar with it, likely newer players. That's pretty interesting, isn't it?

New foe enters the charts: Sorting by Location and Device

2024 Oct 05, 05:17 (5:17AM)

I just noticed this thing come up, and it was certainly something. Apparently, not everyone has it yet. I asked two friends prior to the writing of this blog and neither of them have this sort. It allows you to change the charts depending on device type and country. There are benefits and negatives to this that I could think of.


Curating the sorts for a specific device type will assure players on a budget phone or tablet can still play without it feeling like Roblox is just lagging all the time. This is what the device sort looks like. It clearly separates entry-level devices (probably a sub-$200 phone) to 'standard' devices.

Device Chart Sorting

Device-specific sorting also helps smaller developers who have optimized their games for certain platforms get more visibility. Previously, their work might have been buried beneath popular, cross-platform titles. As for the location sort, regionally popular games may also benefit from this. Games that are heavily influenced by local culture might gain traction that otherwise will be lost when competing globally.


It's a double-edged sword, those who tailor their content might have a better shot, but it could (not would) impact games that are trying to be everything everywhere at once. It could also fragment the Roblox player base... but is that really a negative if we see more developers get the traction they deserve?

Here's my takeaway: Roblox please add sorting by genre already FFS. 💔

Is Roblox really that boring?

2024 Oct 03, 17:09 (5:09PM)

I've always wondered if Roblox truly is boring or not... I've been mostly branching out of Roblox recently because I found joy in playing other PC games too, mostly with the help of friends' recommendations.

Deep Rock Galactic

There were some emerging facts, like how the "charts", as what Roblox calls them nowadays, is mostly riddled with the same kind of games over and over again. Yeah sure, new ones appear, but the problem is that they seem to be a blatant knockoff of already popular games (both inside and outside Roblox), and even if they aren't, the gameplay is something we've already seen before. One game I can think of that broke this trend is Doors. It was something extremely novel to me, and it even got traction outside of the platform. But this is about as rare as me baking my cakes correctly.

The Roblox Charts page, previously named "Discover"

But it probably helps when you look hard enough. A friend of mine (@yellowtoad999) invited me to a game called Block Tales, and it was one of the best games I've discovered... except I didn't discover that one. So I started wondering how he was able to get games from the deep webs of Roblox. I was able to outline my findings at my latest video, which can be found here:

Click image to visit video: "Roblox ISN'T boring, you just can't find the right game"

First Blog!!

2024 Oct 02, 23:06 (11:06PM)

I love me some blogs! I made this site because of my good friend duxzae (for almost 5 years now!!). He got into some web development and I was quite intrigued by what he was able to achieve. I started some web dev over a year ago and my interest was once again, re-ignited.

If you want more information, check out the rest of this messy site!