About Me

About Road

Hi, hello, and the same but in 100 other languages

Hi! I am RodyTheRoad, but just call me Rody or something similar. I do a bunch of stuff... maybe too much. As of recent times, I do YouTube, video editing work, basic web dev, and Roblox game development. Many would have never been possible without encouragement from awesome friends and amazing people I've met throughout the years.

Click GIF to visit RodyTheRoad [YouTube]

Where do I find you?

What Road does: in a Nutshell


Video editor and publisher for 8 years!!! And I still suck at it!

Roblox Game Development

I'm a Roblox game developer for 5 years now! I have 3 games and one upcoming game called "Echoing Exits."

Click image to visit Flee the Flooded Facility [Roblox]

Click image to visit Hide and Dunk [Roblox]

Click image to visit Rody's Number Generator (RNG) [Roblox]

Web Development

I decided to start web development 4 years after touching and getting familiar with Roblox Lua. This site you're looking at right now is my first actual personal project. :D