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ECHOING EXITS (expected release: 2025)

Game description: Your lab lost contact with one of your facilities underground. Any attempts to contact the researchers beneath have failed. As a last resort, your team has been sent to investigate the facility. Then the facility slowly changes itself without you even knowing. Erase all the anomalies or be erased yourself.

Heavily inspired by 'Exit 8', a steam game about finding anomalies, and 'Doors', a popular Roblox game.

History: Roblox Game Development (2019-present)

My first actual dig to programming was Roblox game dev. At school I had a terrible teacher who could not even help me understand how HTML elements worked. This was a major discouragement and I never touched any form of coding... until 2019, when I suddenly had the fascination of how Roblox games were made.

I took an uncopylocked Flood Escape place from 2011/2012 (date unsure), slowly made tweaks to it, and quite embarrassingly, taking months to figure out weird bugs that I wanted to fix. Despite this, my persistence never stopped, the game diverged from the uncopylocked place it was based on, and Flee the Flooded Facility reached a maximum of 85 concurrent players at its peak popularity. It had received 1.7 million visits as of 2024.

Click image to visit Flee the Flooded Facility [Roblox]

I eventually tried making original projects. They don't have the success, but I'm pretty proud of them. Here's my dig at a traditional Filipino hide and seek game. Gappy1230 also helped with these projects, so many thanks to him and his IKEA energy!

Click image to visit Hide and Dunk [Roblox]

RNG crap started getting popular, so I proposed to Gappy1230 that we should make a satirical RNG Roblox game. Why play RNG if you can't even show the numbers man! Here's our attempt.

Click image to visit Rody's Number Generator (RNG) [Roblox]

We have a new game coming soon called "Echoing Exits", our own take of the Steam game "Exit 8". It will be released in 2025.